

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Heckmann
Desk Officer for Information Security, Hessian Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Germany

ORCID 0009-0001-1712-9201

contact.4412 (a-t) research.benjaminheckmann (d-o-t) de

Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2013, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2005, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany
B.Sc. in Computer Science, 2003, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany

Data Protection &
Information Security

Field of Research

The implementation of data protection and information security requirements in technical and organizational measures as well as associated management systems based on the requirements of GDPR and BSI IT-Grundschutz (ISO 27001).

Journal Publications

B. Heckmann, F. Schweighart, and M. Tasch, „JOINED-VIV: Umsetzung der DSGVO mittels SDM und unter Einbindung des BSI IT-Grundschutzes“, Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 663–667, 2020.
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Service Quality and Profit Control
in Cloud Computing

Field of Research

Utility Computing is one of the most discussed business models in the context of Cloud Computing.

Service providers are more and more pushed into the role of utilities by their customer's expectations. Subsequently, the demand for predictable service availability and pay-per-use pricing models increases. Furthermore, for providers, a new opportunity to optimise resource usage offers arises, resulting from new virtualisation techniques.

In this context, the control of service quality and profit depends on a deep understanding of the representation of the relationship between business and technique. The subsequent research analyses the relationship between the business model of Utility Computing and Service-oriented Computing architectures hosted in Cloud environments.

Funded Projects

ROBUST, KPI-based Cloud Scaling, 2015–2017.
This project (HA project no. 473/15-15) is funded in the framework of Hessen ModellProjekte, financed with funds of LOEWE – Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-oekonomischer Exzellenz, Foerderlinie 3: KMU-Verbundvorhaben (State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence).
Conducted by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences, rh-tec Business GmbH, and evaxo GmbH.


B. Heckmann, „Service Quality and Profit Control in Utility Computing Service Life Cycles“, Doctorate, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, 2013.
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Journal Activities

Reviewer, Springer Computing Journal, 2015–2016.

Reviewer, Open Journal of Cloud Computing (OJCC), 2015.

Conference Activities

Program Committee Member, International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2013–2017.

Session Chair, 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, CLOSER 2012, Porto, Portugal, 2012.

Journal Publications

B. Heckmann, A. D. Phippen, R. C. Moore, and C. Wentzel, „Agreeing on and Controlling Business Service Levels in Service-Oriented Architectures“, International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, vol. 7, no. 3/4, p. 173–178, Dez-2011.

Conference & Workshop Proceedings

B. Heckmann, M. Zinn, A. D. Phippen, R. C. Moore, and C. Wentzel, „Economic Efficiency Control on Data Centre Resources in Heterogeneous Cost Scenarios“, in ICITST-2012 Proceedings, London, UK, 2012, p. 675–679.

B. Heckmann, A. D. Phippen, R. C. Moore, and C. Wentzel, „Agreeing on and Controlling Service Levels in Service-Oriented Architectures“, in CLOSER 2012 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science, Porto, Portugal, 2012, p. 267–270.

B. Heckmann and A. Phippen, „Quantitative and Qualitative Description of the Consumer to Provider Relation in the Context of Utility Computing“, in Proceedings of the Eighth International Network Conference (INC 2010), Heidelberg, Germany, 2010, p. 335–344.

B. Heckmann, I. Stengel, A. Phippen, and G. Turetschek, „Utility Computing Simulation“, in ESM’2009 The 2009 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2009, p. 175–180.

Internal Publications

B. Heckmann, „Service Provision in an Utility Computing Environment“, Science and Technology, Computing and Mathematics, University of Plymouth, Jan. 2009.

B. Heckmann, G. Turetschek, and A. Phippen, „A Technology-Abstracted Approach to a Utility Computing Simulation Framework“, in Proceedings of the Fourth Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-learning, Internet and Networking, Wrexham, UK, 2008, p. 155–165.

B. Heckmann, „Service Provision in a Utility Computing Environment“, in Proceedings of the Third Collaborative Research Symposium on Security, E-Learning, Internet and Networking, Plymouth, UK, 2007, p. 185–198.